


It is interesting to observe how the paths that we are taking can seem so random in the moment but curated in retrospect.

I drifted through life following people and things I enjoyed doing. My practice became my direction. And now my direction has become my practice.

Livni, well, me, has a background in object making. Working on a sailing ship, art locksmithing in Munich, silver smithing in Nepal, and furniture making in the Zurich based design studio „Nektar design“ shaped my way of creating objects. My mentors along this way shaped my way of thinking. Since 2020 I have been able to reinterpret the gathered experience, exploring alternative working methods within my bachelor studies at Design Academy Eindhoven.

My practice further developed within the DAE Studios Technogeographies, led by Martina Muzi, and Invisible, led by Mario Minale. This research based approach formed an interest in hidden cultural phenomena. Through performance, film, and objects, I seek to understand subjectivities and transform them into concept and form.

Livni Holtz
Design Academy Eindhoven




                                                                                    ︎  livni.livni




                                                                              ︎  livni.livni